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In February 2015 Heinemann opened its new shop at Sydney International Airport.


Asia Pacific Travel Retail Association

Australian Duty Free Association Ltd is connected to the global duty free environment through its membership of the Asia Pacific Travel Retail Association


Tourism Australia is the Federal Government statutory authority responsible for international and domestic tourism marketing as well as the delivery of research and forecasts for the sector.

Previously the Department of Tourism, Industry and Resources was the federal government department responsible for tourism. However on 13 February 2014 the international tourism function was moved to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Duty Free Security Co. Ltd

Duty Free Security Co. Ltd runs the Sealed Bag System in Australia which enables travellers to purchase goods duty free or tax (GST) free up to 60 days before departing Australia. The sealed bag system is available to any duty free store, licensed by the Australian Border Force.

Duty Free Security Co. Ltd is a non-profit organisation which has been operating since 1978  and works closely with the Australian Taxation Office and the Australian Border Force (previously Australian Customs and Border Protection Service).

Liquids, Aerosols and Gels (LAGs)

On 31 March 2007, the Australian Government announced enhanced security measures, which limited the amount of LAGs a traveller can take through an international screening point by airline passengers. Since that time there have been additional restrictions made on the amount of inorganic powder that can be hand carried, such as salt, talcum powder and sand.

For duty free and tax free LAGs and powders purchased using the sealed bag system, the traveller should remove the sales invoice (docket) from the outside of the sealed bag and then place the goods in their hold (check-in) luggage. The traveller should then present the LAGs/powder related docket to the Duty Free Security Co. Ltd staff located at the point of departure after the customs barrier.

From 30 April 2014 travellers have the option of presenting for inspection duty free liquid, aerosol or gel items purchased from an off airport duty free shop. However if the screening process does not clear the items, you will be asked to surrender them.

Australian Border Force and Department of Home Affairs

In July 2015 the former Australian Customs and Border Protection Service was integrated into the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and the Australian Border Force was established. Since December 2017 the  Australian Border Force has become part of the Department of Home Affairs. The Australian Border Force oversees licensed duty free shops which use the sealed bag system to sell goods duty free and tax free to travellers.